web3 social media book club

a modern platform allowing libraries to be libraries

it’s like a coffee shop where you don’t have to buy anything

a web3 turbo-pump to inject philanthropic energy

inclusivity, antiquity, prosperity

  • unfettered access to content

    A swipe-righting, recommending, visual experience to find books.

    An experience as intuitive as your favorite streaming service.

  • a real social network

    Meet like-hearted people based the content you consume in the safe space of a public library.

    You know what’s free at a library (besides books and movies)? HUGS.

  • web3-fueled incentives

    A platform that facilitates and rewards book-reading and community-building.

    A distinctive new way for philanthropists to drive measurable results

What is Gaia? What is Mundo?


Gaia represents the ancient mystic in us. Gaia is the personified mother of all the greek gods; the cradle of life itself, the bosom of all the archetypal qualities of us. She represents antiquity, source, the blueprint of our lives, our divine purpose.

Mundo is the heavenly body where our energy manifests into this construct. It’s the modern, western notion of our collective home. We’re stuck on this rock together folks, we better figure out how to share it.